Posts in Category: Miscellaneous

Warehouse Water Tower

While waiting for my train to depart, I took a walk around the train station in Toledo. The sun was just rising and was postitioned behind the water tower.


Spring blossoms on the trees in front of the Auglaize County Court House in Wapakoneta, Ohio.


St Joseph Catholic Church mass for Pope John Paul II.

Rusty Train Wheels

Detached train wheels pile up after a derailiment in early February 2005. I used a bleach filter on this and liked the result. Use the zoom image link to check out the details in the photo.

Neil Armstrong Museum

Another night exposure variation of the Neil Armstrong Museum. You can also see this in b&w <a href=” /?showimage=8″>here</a>.

Clock Tower

Detailed view of the clock tower on the Auglaize County Court House. This photo shows the amount of detail and craftmanship that went into constructing this building.

Fallen Soldiers

Damaged rail cars still sit in a field a couple of months after 19 of them derailed. Each of the rail cars was carrying brand new GM automobiles. Added some noise and increased the contrast some to give it a gritty effect.


Never handle raw meat before petting the Police K-9 dog. Submission for <a href=””>Photo Tuesday</a>, the theme is Sick. I do work for the local police department and went to pet the K-9 on October 28, 2004. This was also the day of the full lunar eclipse, coincidence? No hard feelings here and I actually did pet him later on, after the first aid was applied. And no, I wasn’t handling raw meat beforehand!

Different Food

Moody Monday – different & Thursday Challenge – Food. A 2 for 1 shot. I’m usually not one that does artistic shots like this, but wanted to try something different.

Entrance to Neil Armstrong Museum

The entrance to the Neil Armstrong Air & Space Museum in Wapakoneta, Ohio. Another night time shot that came out particularly well.