Isabella’s mobile phone seems to get better reception than my mobile phone. She is amazed that when she pulls a toy, it follows her. At 18 months now and growing up too fast. Some days I just want her to be that sweet, little infant that I held in my arms. When she looks at me and calls me Daddy or gives me a hug for no reason, those moments will sit right next to the old ones. I look forward to the future memories she will give me.
A silhouette of a mantis on the front window screen. A common name is praying mantises, because of the typical prayer-like stance, although the term is often misspelled as preying mantis, since mantises are predatory. The majority of mantises are ambush predators, waiting for prey to stray too near. The mantis then lashes out at remarkable speed. Prey items are caught and held securely with grasping, spiked forelegs.
Here I am with my daughter, Isabella. She is now 18 months old and the most important person in my life. Having been able to stay home and raise her every day has been a challenge and a reward for me. I also would not have given up this opportunity for anything else in the world. We are sitting on a park bench looking at Marblehead Lighthouse on the shore of Lake Erie near Port Clinton, Ohio. My wife, Emilia, is taking this photo, for which I thank her.