Posts in Category: Miscellaneous

Springy Frog

Spring has sprung and the frogs are rejoicing!

Historic Sunset Station

This is another faux tilt-shift effect. It is fun going back to old photos that I thought were throw aways. The effect adds an entirely new dimension to the perceived view. In this shot is the Historic Sunset Station in San Antonio, TX. Twice listed on the National Register of Historic Places, it has been serving train passengers since January 31, 1903.

Model Railroad?

This is a faux tilt-shift effect done in photoshop. It allows you to fool the mind into thinking they are models. This is a real photo of Lengerich, Germany. Hope you enjoy it.

Locked up

Rusted padlock on a historic log cabin at the county fairgrounds. When the building is open, more photos will be taken.

Rail Car

Sun poking through the brake wheel on an abandoned rail car.


This bike and scooter were hidden in the depths of the Auglaize River. The opening of the dam to lower the water level revealed the treasures. Maybe the owners will recognize their lost Christmas or birthday presents.


Homemade checkers board basking in the February sun. First RAW image taken with the new Nikon D200. Not much post processing done, a little bit of sharpening and a slight increase in saturation.

Family Bible

Reading glasses on the opened family Bible.

Fire hose

A couple of fire hoses on the side of a pumper fire truck.

Fire ladder

Looking down one of the ladders on the aerial fire truck.