New Friends

My friend brought her daughter Courtney over to the park to play. Courtney met Ava at the park and the two of them played all afternoon together. We can learn a lot from children at play.


The turtledove, or mourning dove, is a grayish-brown, swift-flying wild dove (Zenaidura macroura) of North America, noted for its mournful call. I’ve been watching a pair make their nest the past couple of days and she is now sitting on her eggs.

Snowy Tulip

This tulip is thinking that Spring has lost its mind. An unusual snow storm in late April.

Redbud Under Snow

The American Redbud tree, sometimes referred to as the Judas tree as it dates back to biblical times. No April Fool’s joke here, this is snow in Spring, April 24th!


Spring blossoms on the trees in front of the Auglaize County Court House in Wapakoneta, Ohio.

Rays of Hope

Evening sun basking the bell tower of St. Paul’s Church with its rays.


St Joseph Catholic Church mass for Pope John Paul II.

Rusty Train Wheels

Detached train wheels pile up after a derailiment in early February 2005. I used a bleach filter on this and liked the result. Use the zoom image link to check out the details in the photo.

Neil Armstrong Museum

Another night exposure variation of the Neil Armstrong Museum. You can also see this in b&w <a href=” /?showimage=8″>here</a>.


Boat ride on the San Antonio Riverwalk. This is an amazing example of how a city can incorporate and embrace the nature that is in the city. Just experimenting with some filters in PhotoShop.