Viking ship

What do you do after visiting the Civil War? Go back about 1000 years and visit the Vikings. We traveled 25 minutes south of Columbus to Ashville to visit the Viking Fest. If you have ever been to a renaissance festival, same thing, same people, pretty much the same costumes, they just add horns to their hats.

We had a great time, even got sunburned. Saw our favorite magicians, the Bunnies in Peril guys who drove up from Orlando to be at this festival.

This is the sail from the authentic reproduction Viking Ship, The Norseman.

My land, go away

We saw a pair of re-enactors dressed in Native American warrior costumes. This one was demonstrating how braves would slice their ear open and insert a bead in the open wound. It would take 40 days for it to heal, with the bead inside the skin. Pretty scary looking, and informative!

Old Confederate Army

Ever dig through your grandparents attic and find a once in a lifetime photo hidden away in an old chest? Nope me neither. What you can’t find, you create.

Emilia and I went to The Encampment in our town over the weekend. This free annual event was well attended and many re-enactors, from both sides of the Civil War were present. Not just from the Civil War but also from the Revolutionary War and early Native Americans. Dr. Emilia was very interested in the Civil War field hospital that was set up, with real medical instruments that were used during the war.

Chicago Penguin

One of the penguins from the Lincoln park Zoo in Chicago, taken at the end of the train trip out west in 2006.

Blizzard 2008

In like a lion and out like a lamb. It’s March in Ohio. 20.4 inches of snow fell on Friday and Saturday.

Dock of the bay

Sittin’ on the dock of the bay….Galveston Bay, Texas that is. From my 2005 trip.

Lunar Eclipse

The full lunar eclipse from February 20, 2008. Extremely cold temperatures outside (13F, windchill was -5F). Used the Tamron 500mm with a 1.4x teleconverter giving a total range of 700mm. Next full lunar eclipse in North America is not until December 2010.

Liechtenstein Garden Palace

The Liechtenstein Museum in Vienna, Austria, named after the House of Liechtenstein, one of Europe’s oldest noble families. The museum includes the Princely Collections containing important European works of art, forming one of the world’s leading private art collections.

The Garden Palace in Vienna’s present-day Rossau district was constructed during the reign of Prince Johann Adam Andreas I of Liechtenstein (1657-1712), who was one of the greatest builders of his day.

Church lantern

Weather beaten lantern hanging from a church in Doylestown, PA.


Trixi, from Lengerich, Germany. If only people would sit this nicely for their portraits.